
About the colors

The color red has several meanings

Being surrounded by too much red can make us irritable, agitated and ultimately angry. Too little red can make us cautious, manipulative and afraid. In Eastern cultures, such as China, red is the color for good luck. Although times are changing and many Chinese brides today are dressed in white, red is the traditional color for weddings. In Indian cultures, red color meaning symbolizes purity and is often used for their wedding dresses.

Red shades

Red shades

Light red symbolizes sensitivity and love.

Pink signals love and friendship. In addition, it highlights the female qualities and encourages passivity.

Dark red is associated with energy, willpower, rage, anger, leadership, courage, longing and evil.

Reddish brown is associated with harvest and autumn, and the brownish color highlights the masculine qualities. Maroon color is dark brownish red which is why it is often referred to as wine color.

The color orange is the color of youth

Orange offers new ideas and releases the body of spiritual limitations, which gives us the freedom to be ourselves. At the same time, orange color meaning encourages self-respect and respect for others.

Orange shades

Orange shades

Dark orange can mean deceit and lack of confidence.

Red-orange corresponds to desire, pleasure, domination, aggression and a need for something to happen.

Golden orange gives the feeling of prestige. The meaning of the color gold is wealth and wisdom and it often symbolizes something of high quality.

The color yellow is about ourselves

The color yellow puts emotions aside, and thoughts comes from the head rather than from the heart. Yellow color meaning shows that it relies mostly on itself and prefers not to get emotionally involved. It relates to our ego, our self-confidence, how we see ourselves and how others see us.

Yellow shades

Yellow shades

Dark yellow represents caution, jealousy, decay and disease.

Light yellow is associated with intelligence, freshness and joy.

The color pink takes us back to our childhood

The color pink represents the sweet and innocent in children and our inner child. It is the color that symbolizes uncomplicated emotions, inexperience and naivety. The pink color can also take you back to your childhood memories, often associated with care and thoughtfulness from your mother or a maternal figure.

The negative side of pink color meaning is that it may represent a lack of willpower, self-confidence and self-esteem. It can indicate a sensitive and overly cautious nature. If you use the color pink too frequently, or only wear pink clothes, it can make you immature, silly and girlish, and make you forget your responsibility as an adult.

To make the color pink stronger and more sophisticated, you may want to combine it with darker colors like dark blue, dark green, black or gray.

Pink shades

Pink shades

Rose pink is the color of love. It is mature, feminine and intuitive.

Hot pink is playful, sensual and loving. It radiates warmth, joy and a love for life.

The color purple is magical and unique

The color purple calls for creative doings and seeks inspiration and originality through its creative efforts. It likes to be unique, individual and independent – not one of the crowd. Artists, musicians, writers, poets and healers are all inspired by violet and its magic and mystery. Violet is the color of humanitarians who likes to do something good for others. The combination of wisdom and power combined with sensitivity and humility, makes violet capable of helping those in need.

The purple color meaning equals power. It has a richness and quality that demands respect. Purple is ambitious and confident – it is the leader type. Too much of the color purple can promote or exacerbate depression for some people. It is a color that should be used very carefully and in small quantities by those who are vulnerable to it.

Purple shades

Purple shades

Dark purple can cause sad feelings and frustrations.

Explore green color meaning

As a combination of the color yellow and the color blue, the color green get its mental clarity and optimism from the yellow color, with the emotional tranquility and insight from the blue color. It gives more hope than any other colors. The color green has a strong sense of right and wrong, and a good judgment. It sees both sides of the case, weighs them up, and then take the moral and appropriate decision. On the negative side, the green color can be judgmental and overly cautious. The color green promotes love of nature, family, friends, pets and home. It is the color of people who love being in the garden, at home, or being a good host. But green color meaning can also be associated with being new or inexperienced.

Green shades

Green shades

Dark green is associated with ambition, greed and jealousy.

Yellow-green can indicate sickness, cowardice, jealousy and discord.

Sea green is associated with healing and protection.

Olive green is the traditional color of peace.

Too much of the color turquoise creates imbalance

Too much turquoise in your life can overstimulate your mind and create emotional imbalance, which makes you either oversensitive or just the opposite. Too little turquoise in your life can make you hide your feelings, which will result in secrets and confusion about your direction in life. From a negative perspective, too much of the color turquoise can lead to emotional stress, unreliability and deception.

Turquoise shades

Turquoise shades

Aqua is closer to green than blue. It is refreshing, uplifting, creative and cheerful, while at the same time being strong and independent.

Aquamarine strengthens creativity and inspiration. It soothes and balances the mind and the emotions.

Blue-green (or teal) is an advanced turquoise shade that symbolizes credibility and reliability. It is known to promote engagement and spiritual development.

Explore blue color meaning

Blue seeks peace and tranquility and promotes physical and mental relaxation. The color blue reduces stress and creates a sense of calmness, relaxation and order. Try and lie on your back and look up at the blue cloudless sky. Blue lowers metabolism. The paler the blue color, the more free we feel.

Blue color meaning is known to be good at one-way communication, especially communication with your voice – it’s the teacher, the public speaker. The color blue is your helper, savior, your friend in need. The blue colors success is defined by the quality and quantity of its relationships. It’s a giver, not a taker. Blue likes to build strong, trusting relationships, and is deeply hurt if the trust is betrayed. The blue color is not a good color when applied to food, since there are too few blue food items in the nature, and that suppresses the appetite.

Blue shades

Blue shades

Light blue represents health, healing, tranquility, understanding and softness.

Dark blue is associated with knowledge, power, integrity and professionalism.

We do not like brown

The brown color is solid, with strength and maturity. It prefers to stay in its own safe little world, is not very spontaneous, and do not like surprises. Many may think that makes it a little boring. The color brown is actually one of the least favorite colors in the western world, together with orange and yellow.

Brown is a dominant color in the world, along with green. It is calming and stabilizing, while the color green is more balanced and helps us handle the loads of a modern life better.

The psychological significance of the color brown may vary slightly, depending on the colors that are mixed together to create the brown color. Brown may arise from a combination of black, yellow, orange, red, gray, green, blue, pink and purple, and each of the colors add a variation to the brown color meaning.

Brown shades

Brown shades

Light brown is friendly, welcoming, honest, sincere and genuine.

Dark brown is strong, but sometimes also sad and depressing. Taupe color is a popular dark brown/gray color.

Beige is considered practical, reliable, conservative and loyal.

The color white is the beginning and the end

In other cultures, the white color is traditionally associated with death and mourning. In these cultures, death usually means the end of one life and the beginning of another. So in color psychology, the meaning of new beginnings still lasts. White may indicate the end of a cycle in your life. You may feel attracted to white clothes and white surroundings at a time, when you move in a new direction in your life. For example when planning a trip for the first time, moving residence after living in the same place for a long time, or seeking a new relationship or a new career.

Many people use white as a revocation of their youth and innocence. It reminds them of a time when life was easier and less complicated. The white color is also used in many medical practices such as dental clinics, doctor’s waiting rooms and operating rooms, as an indication of cleanliness and efficiency.

White shades

White shades

There are no shades of pure white, because the color is the combination of all colors. Different sources are used in the production of white though. Color manufacturers normally use lead, zinc or titanium to produce this color.

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